
Books Used in Class

02-07-20 12:07 PM By DeLisa Lee - Comment(s)
Books Used in Class

Want to know which books we use in class? Our course catalog provides a link to the book used in each course.

DeLisa's Favorite Excel Resources

02-05-20 11:14 PM By DeLisa Lee - Comment(s)
DeLisa's Favorite Excel Resources

Ever wonder where Excel experts go for help or which Excel sites they bookmark? In this post, DeLisa shares her favorite Excel websites, user forums, add-ins, and more! Feel free to share your favorites in the comments.

Copying data from USAJOBS

01-23-20 01:15 AM By DeLisa Lee - Comment(s)
Copying data from USAJOBS

Copying data from a webpage into Excel can often be a messy and laborious task. This was the case for one of my customers who prints data from a job search results on a daily basis. In this 3-part video series, I show my customer how to streamline their process when they do it manually, and the...

Excel 2013 Flash Fill

04-11-15 07:51 PM By DeLisa Lee - Comment(s)
Excel 2013 Flash Fill

Check out this great new time-saving feature in Excel 2013. Flash Fill will follow a pattern to insert, extract, format and concatenate data for you. It works with text, numbers, dates and much more! No formulas required!

Convert your Excel formulas to values

04-11-15 07:51 PM By DeLisa Lee - Comment(s)

Did you know you can replaces a formula with the value of the formula?

  1. Select a cell(s) containing a formula
  2. Copy
  3. Select your destination cell(s)
  4. Paste > Paste Special > Values
  5. Click OK

Import Excel Contacts into Gmail

02-22-14 12:06 AM By DeLisa Lee - Comment(s)
Import Excel Contacts into Gmail

Do you have a list of contacts in Excel that you would like to import into your Google Contacts?

Google contacts supports importing data from CSV files, Outlook, Yahoo!, Hotmail and more.

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